Ode to a burning roll…

Leica M4-P | CV 50/1.5 Nokton

A roll of film with only a handful of frames taken is a pity to waste. So, this day brought to you by some more of the ol’ Kodak film and a rangefinder…

Leica M4-P | CV 50/1.5 Nokton
I love images made utilizing an antique technology that actually does the job better than anything modern I’ve ever experienced. The photo above, for instance, shot trying to use automatic metering or an autofocus would be next to impossible.
Now, for a teachable moment: this photograph was taken through the back window of my Element, heavily dark tinted windows. Okay, firstly, a digital camera would only see the reflection and meter for that. Secondly, the autofocus would just about never see through the glass. Tinted glass, remember.
So, what’s done here, as best as I can remember, was take into consideration the regular outside light level (something like 1/250th @ f/5.6 on ISO400) then I opened up to the click between f/2.8 and f/2, a full two and a half stops for this exposure.
There are actually three similar frames, I liked this one the most because she’s looking at me. 🙂

Great subject to burn a roll, right? I think she’s getting used to the whole prolific-photography thing…

Stay tuned,
-Noah D.