“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.”
~Freidrich Nietzsche
There is something to be said for reading. Extremely valuable knowledge can be conveyed through reading. Read and absorb yourself into the book, pulling everything you can from it – read between the lines – all the metaphors and such…
Then meet the one who has read and lived… that is the man I will give all the time in the world.
I may have read enough books in my life to fit on one shelf. So who am I?
I would like to believe that I’m just too busy living to read. But then I am shortchanging myself. I would really like to read. I truly would. I take books to airports, I have a dozen on my iPad Kindle and iBooks app… but then I start reading… and then I start looking around. And I observe everything around me instead of reading.
I’ve made no frames, I’ve read few pages, but I’ve watched the people and their interactions.
I would like to believe that I learned something just by existing in the places I put myself.
We’ll just have to see… so stay tuned…
-Noah D.