When the journalist becomes the story…

Never expect to know where you’ll be this afternoon, let alone next week or next month.

Life is just better that way…


Because if you try to say, “This is what I will do and nothing else.” You’re doing two very bad things immediately:
#1) You’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Almost assuredly, nothing will turn out exactly like you expect it to… if you’re not flexible, you’ll get stressed out and disappointed. Murphy’s Law rules this world. And…
#2) You’re immediately selling yourself short. If you really think the things you could ever plan for yourself would be better than what God/fate/karma/whatever-you-believe-in has in store for you, you are sadly mistaken.

Not only that, but you’re just being stupid.

In my world, in my experience, I have rarely – if ever – gotten things completely my way. Let alone gotten it right the first time. And you know, that’s completely okay. It works for me as a photojournalist and it works for me as a human being.

I’ve tried to shoehorn my way into situations, into relationships, into careers… when all I had to do was do what I really and truly loved to do and keep the faith and somehow – I’ll never know quite how – things just seem to work out okay.

Stay tuned…
-Noah D.