And now for something completely different…

India. Delhi, India.

Brace yourself. And you internet connection… many a photo ahead.

Just a little assortment of images from our day in the streets of Delhi.

All typical images.

I would go as far as to say 99% of photography is just going there. Because its really hard to make that image if you didn’t…

…then only 1% is really any technical skill. (Too bad gear nerds: the camera is inconsequential… not even a percent. Because it doesn’t matter what camera.)

But you’re not here for a tirade about the ins-and-outs of photojournalism…

…you’re here for images.

And you might just be here for the light. The light here in India is different, you’ll see.

And we weren’t the only ones taking photos. It happened a few times throughout the day, a group would approach our group and want to exchange photos.

…This might take a while.

And the delaying of this post a few days is due to a lack of solid internet connection. So excuse that, please.

Darren and Carrie:

In the next few days of posts, you may see why I’m not exactly grieving the loss of connection with the outside world.

During another photo exchange…

Also, forgive the un-labeling of some of these images, where we were and all.

Many of these images are in between places. Such as this one, laughing about falling asleep on the airplane during yesterday’s epic 18hrs in the air.


…or just in the streets.

At first I was looking at these images thinking, “Is my white balance messed up? They’re all very green.”

Well, when the world is canopied like this:

…what do you expect? This is just how everything looks!

Remember at the end of the movie “Gandhi”?? The funeral procession. Yep.

It is a rather magical place. But that was all before we ever got to Old Delhi.

Then, like exploring in any of the old medians – Old Cairo, Jerusalem, Fes, Amman – everything changes.

Might as well shift into a little black and white, right?

But not for too long…

…the streets are so vibrant.


I could walk these streets all day…


…or ride the rickshaws all day.

Then comes my favorite image of the day:

The wide angle world.

But the telephoto world isn’t so bad either.


120mm is as long as I even own right now, so… its not really that far. Still have a little interaction with the subject.

By the way, this was all at mosque in the Muslim section of Old Delhi.

Light. Color. Gesture. The tenants of photography.



…all coming together – block by block – in Delhi, India.


(Ridiculous 24mm vignetting… love it.)

So… stay tuned, there is much to see.

This was day one. Slight exhaustion.
-Noah D.


PS: View from my window this morning.



  1. Steve Burns says:

    Such fantastic photos! It is always interesting to see life from a world that is different from our own. In many ways, these scenes remind me of our visits to the small towns of Jamaica, too.