By the graces of so much more…

Where is San Quintin?

Somewhere in that tail off Mexico. There’s pretty much one paved road and the rest of it is sparsely populated, it never rains, unnaturally cold year round.

Now, if ever you were to see this place yourself, this is what you would see:

Spend more than a few minutes there and you’ll find, this is the shallowest of a veneer.

To visit a place and never venture beyond the exterior walls, you’re missing something.

THIS, my friends…

…is San Quintin.

This group with which I am attached for the week is made up of medical professionals and a few college age people. The medical staff – doctors, dentists, optometrists – and all its support staff of nurses, pharmacists, etc, will be setting up a free clinic in a few towns down in this area.

The college age kids… well…

…they’re here for the kids.

There are a number of pairs of photos in this mighty large post of 48 images.

It might be like, before and after photos:


…and after.

Might as well get another one out:


…and after.

So, settle in… there are a few images ahead…




















Here’s an unexpected pair, before and after…





Then… on the medical side of things as the clinic got going…





I assure you, its a bit unusual to photograph your own father on a job. 🙂




And these are just the first few hours.

The day closed down…


For the other few days, stay tuned…
-Noah D.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jodi McCaghren says:

    What a blessing to have the mission documented by a man with such a God-given gift. Thank you!
