Turning around…

And so, a new chapter of life begins…

Not with anything too dramatic, just a completely change.

Its sad in a sentimental sort of way to see the old car go. For nine years, my old car has done quite well – always lived to fight another day…

…through high school…

…to when I moved from home and went to the University of Georgia…

…every girl that I took out on a date…

…every time I needed to meet my friends at the lake…

…the struggles to pack everything I owned into that little car and move to the next state…

…to those Dave Matthews Band concerts…

…and out to the beach a few times…

…or just a place to go to get away for a while…

Regardless, nine years and 133,500+ miles of adventures later, its time to move on:

The 2010 Honda Element, Guntersville, Ala.

But, as many miles as I drive, I have a pretty good feeling it won’t be long before we become close friends.

For those adventures, stay tuned…
-Noah D.