Along the way…

Gonna mix things up a little bit today…

But first, I must preface this post with a few disclaimers:

#1: Everything you are about to see was taken through the window of a moving vehicle: between Lalibella and the airport 25km away, and between the Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa and Awasa, five hours south.

#2: Please, if you’re reading this on facebook, go to this link: and see the real blog. Its a far better experience, I promise! Plus, I get the traffic and can afford to do things like this in the future.

…and #3: I hope you have been able to tell from my images some of my “work ethic” about such things that I post. The images I present to you on this blog are simply what I have seen – no more, no less. I want to make sure that you, my lovely audience, knows that I’m not trying to present the Ethiopia I see any better or worse off for any sort of dramatic effect.

I simply want to present these images as a record of the places I’ve been and the people I see in the situations in which they exist.

And this is what I saw from a moving vehicle on May 18, 2010:













Stay tuned. I promise I shall say more in future posts.
-Noah D.

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