Well enough alone…
I just had a small taste of the kiteboarding the other day… What can make photos better? Closer, usually helps. Good subjects do a lot, too. But… if you’re looking…
I just had a small taste of the kiteboarding the other day… What can make photos better? Closer, usually helps. Good subjects do a lot, too. But… if you’re looking…
In a place like Tarifa, Spain, you must keep your head about you at all times… …because, if you’re not careful, you will become a local. No doubt, the beauty…
…from a bike around town. A few years ago while I was still in Guntersville, my home town, I would wear out the roads on my bike. The same bike…
Summer mornings in April… …you shoulda seen the video. The 7D rendered those droplets beautifully… too bad my non-tripod hands made it unattractive. Stay tuned, -Noah D.
Okay… yes, these are HDR. I wanted to test my new Photomatix software, though, so… here are the tests… my favorite. Its warmest. Simple change of white balance. The others…
“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.” ~Vincent van Gogh Post-storm Windshield |…