A bright day…
Photographs from an evening with good friends in Brighton, UK. Four dudes (French, Italian, Australian, American) having tea in a hotel in Brighton. No, really. All of us journalists/photographers… .…
Photographs from an evening with good friends in Brighton, UK. Four dudes (French, Italian, Australian, American) having tea in a hotel in Brighton. No, really. All of us journalists/photographers… .…
Spending time behind the D800 filming interviews. I like to produce a moving image that looks like a still as I intend it… Stay tuned… -Noah D.
We took a break during filming a little promotional today to let classes change and get the reverberations in the atrium in which we filmed down to anything other than…
While I have a load of antique cameras, not all of them are in working condition. This monstrosity, I think, was made from a number of other cameras. It has…
This is a Leica fanboy post. Normal readers: avert your eyes. I was really sorry to burst my own bubble. It rather ruined the mystique of the idea that I…
Many times people have asked me: “Why does your black and white look so different?” Okay, honestly, because I don’t use “black and white.” And, I don’t use Photoshop. I…
Okay, I’m just going to have to apologize for that title… I’m sorry. And you’re seeing these posts retro-dated. Post-dated. Whatever-dated. The photos were made on the day of the…
Okay, in all honesty, my Leica M8 is my play camera. No, I did not say, “toy camera.” That would be a Holga or a cell phone camera. Those are…
A roll of film with only a handful of frames taken is a pity to waste. So, this day brought to you by some more of the ol’ Kodak film…
I see light. I don’t see color very well. I’ve mentioned that before, I’m not colorblind or anything, but I see color in brightness values… so… I see light. I…
I couldn’t imagine going through 15,000 photos if they were in film… …too bad, right? Its the equivalent of 417 rolls or so. Yeah, developing might be a little bit…
Gonna be a little artsy. Okay… not artsy. Just kinda random. I’m actually kinda tempted to print this to see how rich the tones actually are. Yep, been in the…