Photographers at dinner…
Some might not have the stomach for it… Stay tuned… -Noah D.
Some might not have the stomach for it… Stay tuned… -Noah D.
Check out Aspiring Kennedy. Her travel/style blog is actually useful and informative... instead of one big tirade like mine.
Is it ever bad to see good people happy? At a friend’s wedding tonight… Stay tuned… -Noah D.
Is it possible to sum up a place? These are the photos from one day in Venice: 8:27am – 8:52pm. . . . Venice. As the tours pour in, people…
The rain had started tapping On the window near my bed There was a loophole in my dreaming So I got out of it And to my surprise my eyes…
Where is San Quintin? Somewhere in that tail off Mexico. There’s pretty much one paved road and the rest of it is sparsely populated, it never rains, unnaturally cold year…
The afternoon view from “my office”… I don’t stay at the Kinam Hotel, actually, but it is my office. The internet here is strong enough to push photos online, check…
“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” ~Luciano Pavarotti It…
Huntsville, Alabama. Stay tuned… -Noah D.
An abandoned cart in an isle in the supermarket. A dead fish washed up on the beach. Lunch money left at home. A line cook drops a steak. My camera…
Watching over his domain… …the Frist Center of the Arts in Nashville, Tenn. They have an impressionism gallery there… real pieces of the Musee D’Orsay are there: Degas, Monet, Manet,…
Yep, on the way home, we clogged our arteries. Stay tuned. If I survive… -Noah D. PS: Yeah, sometimes you can tell I’m struggling a little for the photo of…