Now, if you were not aware, I’ve been training for a marathon since June. The night I returned from Haiti, I set myself to running.
And now… the time has come.
We are in Greece to run the Athens Classic Marathon. It’s not called a “Marathon” because it is a 26.2 mile run. It actually starts in Marathon, Greece, and traverses roughly the same route that Pheidippides ran after the Battle of Marathon around 490BCE.
I’m hoping my outcome is a bit better than Pheidippides: he fell down dead of exhaustion after reporting to the authorities, “Nike!” (“Victory!”)
For now, we only picked up all our race stuff: timing chip, number bib, and goodie bag.
Why there’s a designated smoking area for a Marathon expo, I’ll never know.
Anyway… I’m back in Greece again. Whatever the world’s opinion of it, it remains one of my favorite places in the world.
And spending time with the students at our Greece campus is one of the highlights of my travels. Of course, I enjoy all the programs, but I hold a certain kindred spirit with these kids because I was one of them back in 2008.
Tonight was Greek dancing night. Which translates to “photographing Greek dancing night” for me. 🙂